Speaking of the high-profile artificial intelligence (AI) startups in Hong Kong, it is of course impossible to miss out the LifeSparrow Solutions, a company that made a name for itself in October ...
The Hong Kong Judiciary issued guidelines on the use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) earlier to judges and supporting staff, stressing that the use of technology should not ...
Hong Kong must develop the geo-political skills to navigate the next turbulent decade, one of Singapore’s top ex-diplomats said. Kishore Mahbubani served as the country’s Permanent ...
Altmont Professional背囊 兩至三天的快閃短途旅程需要一個可有足夠容量又輕便的背囊,Victorinox提供一系列實用好看的背囊,適合背包客使用。每一款 ...
全場最貴的書架,用燒杉技術燒製後,再用榫接技術在燒出的裂縫處加上補強,相當精美,但要作價八萬多。 島國的美學 三個單位曾替香港一些 ...
If Tim Walz becomes Vice President of the United States during the election in November, he will bring more knowledge of China than any previous American leader since the PRC was founded in 1949.
這款特別版腕錶結合了PRX的復古設計與流行動畫系列的標誌性元素。這兩者最初都在70年代問世。漫畫自1978年起風靡全個歐洲,同年PRX最原始的型號 ...
It has been estimated that by 2070, the average annual temperature in Hong Kong will reach 26 degrees (24.5 degrees in 2023), and the weather will be very hot throughout the year. In face of ...
A fortnight ago, a student asked me the following question, “Brian, what if one day, AIs could write better op-eds than you?” The jaded and deluded self in me was immediately tempted to retort ...
20 minutes till boarding. 30 people in the queue. 1 exhausted academic tapping frantically away at 1 phone. 4 open counters. 12 closed. 600m worth of walking. 1 connecting bus ride. I was standing ...
If you spoke with a Democrat and a Republican in 2021, there would be an 83% chance that the former told you they believe climate change had already begun, whilst the odds of the latter saying the ...
卷成繩狀的絲巾,用途廣泛。(Photo by JM) 物料是petit h 逆向創作之源,而他們的寶庫則位於巴黎郊區的龐坦(Pantin)小鎮。這個物料儲存庫,將 ...