An insect bites off another insect’s leg. Is this predatory behaviour, aggression, defence, competition or something else? In the case of carpenter ants, it’s for the good of the amputee and ...
African sharptooth catfish are hardy survivors, but even these resilient fish are vulnerable during the dry season. In the winter months, many of the waterholes and pans in South Africa's Greater ...
Rest assured that, at any given point in time, somewhere a shark is eating something. That (admittedly pretty inane) statement has held true, in fact, for hundreds of millions of years. These days ...
An airborne stoat, a lion 'lover's quarrel', and a jaguar sinking its teeth into a caiman are just some of the recently released Highly Commended images from this year's Wildlife Photographer of ...
Ponder the most dangerous bear in the world, and you might naturally think of the mighty polar bear – king of the Arctic and most carnivorous of ursids – or the big and ornery North American ...
Forced out of his father’s territory by a rogue male, this is the story of Kumal, a young Indian tiger and his remarkable journey to adulthood in the wilds of central India. Time and space are ...
Over 160 wild dogs inhabit the Save conservancy, but this film focused attention on just one of these formidable packs known as the Pungwe pack. Our story begins with the birth of 16 pups ...
The African wild dog is the most successful hunter on the continent but their high-speed attacks have always been hard to document – until now. In this film, two highly skilled motorcyclists ...
With their supercars, rockets and supersonic jets, humans believe they are the masters of speed – but the natural world puts our metallic speed demons to shame. ‘Speed Kills’ explores ...
Earth Touch is an award-winning, global factual media production and distribution company. Over the years we've built a highly skilled team of creatives and technical experts. Each department ...
Spa day for the creatures of the sea EPISODE SYNOPSIS Beneath the waves of South Africa's Sodwana Bay, tiny animals are hard at work servicing a whole host of underwater inhabitants. Join us as we ...