The steps Vienna took to prepare for extreme rainfall may hold lessons for how other cities can face deluges to come.
Austria on Wednesday announced a package of measures in response to severe flooding across the country, including a tripling ...
Damage assessment has begun in the Lower Austria region following the recent flood. Metro services have resumed in Vienna.
Vienna was still recovering on Tuesday after the weekend's catastrophic floods with public transport looking to resume normal ...
"Vienna can handle floods", summed up Mayor Michael Ludwig after the weekend. That this is the case is also due to the mighty ...
On Sunday, the flood situation also came to a head in the federal capital: the Vienna River swelled to such an extent that it ...
Deadly floods prompted Austrian political parties to cancel or postpone election events scheduled on Monday in what the ...
Thousands of people in Poland have been evacuated due to the risk of a reservoir overflowing, as the catastrophic effects of ...
Austria is affected by heavy rainfall and flooding. All of Lower Austria was declared a disaster area, Vienna is also ...
Austria has experienced extreme rainfall that has broken numerous rainfall records and led to widespread flooding. The ...
Flooding has hit Austria hard, leaving many roadways impassable, metro services partially suspended, and river boats stranded ...
A flood submerges an entire village in Hungary overnight::"I think it's kind of connected to the climate change because it's ...